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DaVonte, Robin, Darryl, and DeAra Jackson

Meet Our Leaders...


The head of our church is Pastor Darryl Jackson. His lovely wife Robin serves as our First Lady. Darryl and Robin met in 1993 and married shortly thereafter. You could say that DaVonte and DeAra, their son and daughter, are our “first kids,” followed closely by their older brother, Darryl Jr. (not pictured here).


Pastor D has long and deep roots at Love Chapel having attended since the 1970s when his mother and father were among its founders. His father, Reno Jackson  served as Pastor of the church and his mother, Zona Jackson served as First Lady for more than 30 years. In 2012, Pastor Reno Jackson, a humble and unassuming leader, was elevated to Bishop by Presiding Prelate Bishop Cecil Hale of the Christian Covering Covenant Fellowship.


If you were to ask Pastor D, he would likely tell you that it wasn’t always easy growing up as a “PK”—a Pastor’s Kid. There were many Sunday’s when he had more on his mind than his father’s sermons. Steeped in a deeply Christian home, Darryl and his younger brother Gary were taught the scriptures, Christian values and to abide by   the doctrines of the Church of God in Christ. However, it wasn’t until 2010 that Darryl developed his own deeply personal walk with God. He and his wife Robin began attending Love Chapel regularly and supporting the Bishop in service to the church. Darryl served by his father’s side, assisting him wherever he was needed.


Sadly, 2013 proved to be a very challenging and difficult year for Darryl, his family   and his extended Love Chapel family. On February 12, 2013, Darryl’s beloved mother passed on to glory.  This was a profoundly shocking and painful loss, but because of his faith in God almighty, Darryl accepted this as the will of God and leaned on his Heavenly Father, family, friends and his church for support.


Darryl continued to be mentored by his dad, helping him develop and grow the ministry. The two grew closer than ever. Remarkably, the Bishop fell gravely ill    shortly after the death of Darryl’s mom, the Bishop’s wife. On December 17, 2013,   just 10 months after losing his mother, he suffered the loss of his father. Darryl  never imagined that the prophesy that he would one day lead Love Chapel, which he received several months prior, would come to pass so quickly. Despite feeling somewhat overwhelmed by grief following the loss of his parents, he knew that God would never leave him and that he would continue to guide him.  In his lowest times  of sorrow and doubt, he would repeat the scripture, 1 Peter 5:7— Casting all your cares upon Him; for he careth for you.


Pastor D and the First Lady, now have the sometimes daunting mission of leading   the non-denominational Love Chapel Life Changing Ministries Church (LCLCMC) into its next phase. They hope to grow the church by building its community outreach and services and by creating a stable balance of old school teaching and preaching with 21st-century tools to reach as many souls as possible in order to share the good news of the Holy Trinity—the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


The First Family and the congregation ask that you keep them in your prayers and consider joining them at a service very soon.


May God bless and keep you!

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